Monday 27 April 2020

My heart is there

Once upon a time in the rainiest part of the rainy season, an old monastic began her pilgrimage to the holiest shrine on the holiest mountain in the land. Forced back by fierce winds and driving rain, she stopped at the foot of the incline to check directions one last time.

“Old woman,” the inn master scoffed, “this mountain is deep in wet and running clay. You cannot possibly climb this mountain now.” 

“Oh, sir,” the old monastic said, “the climb to this shrine will be no problem whatsoever. You see, my heart has been there all my life. Now it is simply a matter of taking my body there, as well.”

Therefore,, there is some summit toward which everyones life is bent. All we really need is to find the faith it will take to complete the journey. This journey won't be easy and simple and in lies all our lessons..and for that ,,

Do you have enough faith,,? 


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